Thursday 10 November 2011


Who is God?
Is it the statue or photo?
No, Gods are parent, it’s my motto!
They taught me how to walk,
They taught me how to talk,
They taught me everything I know till now,
To make them happy,
I have to do anything anyhow.
When I walk in the dark,
 They show me up the light.
When I don’t do things up to the mark,
They console me that I am bright.
There’s a truth in their eyes,
That they will leave me never.
I am their child,
This truth will remain forever.
They are my life saver,
For me they have done so much of labor.
They are my love, happiness and greed,
I want to give every bit of satisfaction they need.
Though God is creator of all,
My parent is my creator,
That’s all I want to share.

                                          - BY PUNEET NANDAN