Wednesday 5 October 2011

About Myself

Speaking the truth,I am a simple boy, having simple dreams and expectations, less creative though having a great amount of potential in myself.
i am basically a sports person rather than a book worm.
i love playing tennis, swimming, squash, archery, table tennis, snookers, cricket etc.
i am a movie and music lover but generally like Hollywood movies and music as compared to Bollywood stuffs because Hollywood seems to be more creative and real as compared to Bollywood and other film industries in d world.I hope many people would agree to it.
I love hanging out with my friends and families.
My favorite pass time is writing poems. Many friends and family members don't know that I write poems. I will recently show my poems in my Blog.
I love photography. I think i am good at it. Since photography is in my blood because my father is also a good photographer as i think.
Sorry I don't like sharing my family life because it's too personal, boring and simple. 

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