Wednesday 20 November 2013


Miss You

light a candle,
see it glow,
watch it dance,
when you feel low,
think of me,
think of light,
I'll always be here,
day or night,
a candle flickers,
out of sight,
but in your heart,
I still burn bright,
think not of sadness,
that I'm not near,
think of gladness,
and joyous cheer,
I have not left,
I am not gone,
I'm here to stay
my special one,
so when you light a candle,
and you see it glow,
and you watch it dance,
in your heart you'll know,
that I would never leave you,
even when you feel so blue,
I'm sitting here and  thinking about you,
giving u my smile is still due.

                                                                                      - By Puneet Nandan

Sunday 18 August 2013


I meet new people every day,
But in front of them I have nothing to say.
Some are nice, some are good,
Some are evil with short tempered mood.

I want my family, I want my home,
I want my old friends with which I can freely roam.
It’s so lonely here,
No one here even pretend to care.

This place is new for me,
But I have to adapt.
I am not here for myself,
I am here for my parents,
And also for the knowledge I have to entrap.

I always dreamt to be in a good atmosphere,
But every day I am choked over here.
Now I realised reality can never be a dream,
Just as Demons can’t be seen.

Good people can’t be successful,
Dignity and truthfulness are just words.
Only corrupted ones can achieve their dream
Good ones just cry and scream.

I can’t call anyone as my best friend,
No one can be trusted,
Everyone is back bitching about others,
This kind of friendship I can’t pretend.

Loneliness was the term that kept me wept,
That’s why I am framing my feelings as poem with such depth.