Sunday 18 August 2013


I meet new people every day,
But in front of them I have nothing to say.
Some are nice, some are good,
Some are evil with short tempered mood.

I want my family, I want my home,
I want my old friends with which I can freely roam.
It’s so lonely here,
No one here even pretend to care.

This place is new for me,
But I have to adapt.
I am not here for myself,
I am here for my parents,
And also for the knowledge I have to entrap.

I always dreamt to be in a good atmosphere,
But every day I am choked over here.
Now I realised reality can never be a dream,
Just as Demons can’t be seen.

Good people can’t be successful,
Dignity and truthfulness are just words.
Only corrupted ones can achieve their dream
Good ones just cry and scream.

I can’t call anyone as my best friend,
No one can be trusted,
Everyone is back bitching about others,
This kind of friendship I can’t pretend.

Loneliness was the term that kept me wept,
That’s why I am framing my feelings as poem with such depth.



  1. Touching poems

  2. oouch.. real demons.. and evil intentions.. but Dignity and truthfulness are not just words honey that's the truth that's real..
    sometimes the others who seems as devil are not the bad ones they just want you to be happy and the pure way you were.. its well said by someone wise problem we see in others somewhere sprouted within us first.. sometimes changing the rusted key can open the thousand doors to happiness and success.
