Sunday 9 October 2011

POEM- My life my words

What should I tell you about my life,
Every pages are empty and white.
I am unhappy and hollow from my soul,
listening people may get bored!
God had made me just for a sake,
In this crowd world, I see myself lonely and fake.
I don't blame the almighty,
might be there something in his mind,
But i still believe,
in this universal competition I can't be left behind.
Finding my partner to make me glad ,
but everyone say that I am no good but bad.
I have lot of hobbies but the hobbies doesn't like me,
because i ruined them all ,
When I play it becomes fault.
Need to build up not for my self,
But for my parent,
who gave me sufficient help.
Having an average personality
and an average mind,
But I want to be different from all,
To rise tall, tall and tall.
I have no best friends but few true ones,
those are the brightest stars
whom i call my life's sun!
But there are some others who betrayed me,
Since then also i am happy,
because i think that i am not guilty.
I wish I could forget the past,
I want happiness in my life as soon as fast.
So all i can say, people who love me they are my world,
the one who don't I shouldn't blame them,
More true person will surely come ,
because my life is curled,
But only question in my mind is when???

                                      - BY PUNEET NANDAN



  1. ache poet ho!
    i can see the future poet PUNEET NANDAN, if u want to become one

  2. u write awsm stuff buddy!! u rely do!! keep it up!! PUNEET NANDAN the upcoming poet
